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The Village of Key Biscayne Public Safety Scholarship to Promote Education, Wellness, and Technology offers three separate scholarship awards:

Each scholarship overview and application can be found below.

The application period for the Village of Key Biscayne Public Safety Scholarship to Promote Education is January 1 to March 31 May 31 (extended). The Health and Wellness Scholarship and Technology Scholarship will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Educational Scholarship Award

The educational funds are available to employees of both the Village of Key Biscayne police and fire departments. There are three types of awards: (1) a scholarship award to support employees that seek continuing education or family members of employees that seek higher education; (2) a grant award to employees for professional development; and/or (3) a grant award may be processed toward training opportunities for the Department.

Click to download the Permission to Release Information (PDF).


  • All applicants should desire to attend an accredited college or university for undergraduate or graduate or continuing studies.
  • If not a current employee, must be the child or grandchild of a current employee of the Village of Key Biscayne Police Department or Fire Department.
  • Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 G.P.A.
  • Be a graduate of high school or college or expect to graduate by spring of the current year.
  • Must report all other financial aid and/or scholarships applied for and/or awarded in this application.
  • Must submit two letters of recommendation from any of the following: teacher, community leader, religious leader, athletic coach, employer, or supervisor. The recommendation letter may not be from a family member or friend.
  • Must submit the most recent transcript of high school education.
  • Must submit a resume with all volunteer activities, work experience, and awards/honors received.

All items listed above must be included or the application will not be considered. Applications must be delivered to the Foundation by March 31 May 31 (extended) date to be considered. All awards are based on available funds, awarded at the discretion of the committee with the approval of the Board.

Click here to download the PDF Application or apply online below.

Health and Wellness Scholarship Award

The health and wellness awards are available to employees of both the Village of Key Biscayne police and fire departments. The health and wellness award defines wellness as therapies for employees in crisis or as preventative measures to mitigate stress to avoid crisis. It is open to all eligible Village of Key Biscayne employees of the police and fire departments who apply and meet the qualifications below.

Click to download the Permission to Release Information (PDF).


  • Must be a current employee of the Village of Key Biscayne Police Department or Fire Department. Former employees with at least ten (10) years continuous full-time employment will be considered for eligibility for grants in extraordinary circumstances by the discretion of the committee.
  • Must demonstrate a health or wellness hardship.
  • Must submit a letter of recommendation from their supervisor or department head.
  • Must submit an invoice or proposal for needed care or treatment.

All items listed above must be included or the application will not be considered. Applications must be delivered to the Foundation. The Committee will review on a case-by-case basis.

Click here to download the PDF Application or apply online below.

Technology Scholarship Award

The technology or equipment grant is open to both the Village of Key Biscayne police and fire departments upon request by department heads with review and approval by Committee. Equipment may be considered if it is the newest innovation, but outside of the department budgets.

Click to download the Permission to Release Information (PDF).


  • Must be submitted by the Police Chief or Fire Chief the Village of Key Biscayne Police Department or Fire Department.
  • Must demonstrate a need for the technology that would improve the operations of public safety department.
  • Must not be a line item in the Village budget.

Applications must be delivered to the Foundation. The Committee will review on a case-by-case basis.

Click here to download the PDF Application or apply online below.