Active Seniors on the Key
Now more than ever, seniors living on the Key have even greater opportunities to fuel their active lifestyles. Active Seniors on the Key (A.S.K.) is an organization of seniors over 50 who work together to provide a wide range of volunteer activities that allow seniors to continue living independently on Key Biscayne.
A.S.K. does this through social events (e.g. monthly luncheons), trips and tours, as well as effective exercise programs.
The new Enhance Fitness Program is a low-cost, research-based exercise program that helps older adults (over 60) of all fitness levels to become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. Enhance Fitness focuses on stretching, flexibility, balance, low impact aerobics, and strength training exercises.
Key Biscayne resident Ed Stone was instrumental in securing the grant from the Health Foundation of South Florida to bring the national program to Key Biscayne. The cardiovascular training program, which was initially funded from May through August, will likely be extended to December, thanks to Stone’s efforts in obtaining a second grant from the foundation, allowing seniors even more time to reap the program’s health benefits.
The A.S.K. club helps serve the needs and interests of senior citizens on Key Biscayne. ASK Club members enrich lives by volunteering to build and strengthen beneficial community activities. Trips, luncheons, health and wellness activities, and special events are ongoing.