Healthy Aging
The Key Biscayne Life Enhancement Forum encourages a balanced and self-determined model for healthy aging. The Life Enhancement Forum makes seniors agents in their own aging process through mental, physical, social, and emotional wellness interventions. Through the guidance of our advocates and experts, the Healthy Aging initiative incorporates findings from current research on aging, cognitive functioning, lifestyle, and diet to promote health and wellness for the senior population of Key Biscayne.
The Healthy Aging lecture series brings this cutting-edge research to the masses and provides residents with the resources they need to make positive changes in diet, exercise, and mental activity. Recent lectures by both Dr. Karen Koffler and Dr. Janet Konefol have highlighted how stress management, sleep, exercise, and food can be your medicine when it comes to age-related physical and cognitive decline.
Our lecture series merges a medical approach to understanding and tackling aging with a more holistic, lifestyle-oriented approach to aging and health in order to provide as wide a spectrum of information and resources as possible to our residents. In conjunction with the lecture series, the Healthy Aging initiative provides activities for aging Key Biscayne residents that enable them to enact some of the strategies promoted by the experts.
Learn more about our programs or visit the Life Enhancement Forum.